The Importance Of Self-Dependency Essay

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Self-dependency: Parents and therapist should focus on helping the adolescent learn how to direct his own care, providing both realistic goals and a sense of control. Young people with disabilities that have been to special schools and other segregated settings are at a disadvantage when establishing friendships and contacts in the able-bodied world. They have often not learned the social skills and techniques that are accepted, and peculiar mannerisms and childish behaviour that may have been tolerated in the segregated settings can no longer be so. Professionals concerned with young adults with cerebral palsy and other disabilities must push hard to teach the young people how to become their own advocate on their behalf if necessary. There is no point in pouring therapeutic services into children with cerebral palsy if it is to lead to an environmentally impoverished and isolated adulthood. The aim of all parents and professionals involved with young people with disabilities has to be to help them to take their place in the adult world with as much dignity and independence as is possible (Hirst, 1985). Adults with moderate or severe cerebral palsy often require significant lifetime support …show more content…

While in adults group with cerebral palsy studies related to social participation, quality of life, functional communication have been conducted. Limited studies have been conducted in Indian context to assess pragmatic skills in young adults (18-25 years) group with spastic CP, to highlight aspects in which this clinical population lack during conversational turns or in a social context. Hence current study aims at assessing and comparing pragmatic skills in male and female adults with spastic cerebral