Self-Efficacy Theory And Social Cognitive Theory

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Self-efficacy is based in a great theoretical framework known as Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), in which there are bidirectional communications between the cognitive, behavioral and environmental or situational contexts (Wood & Bandura, 1989). Self-efficacy beliefs are not a stable attribute of an individual, but they are an active and learned system of beliefs held in context. The thought of self-efficacy is interested with judgments of one’s ability to produce a given pattern of behavior (Schunk, 1981). Social cognitive hypothesis is developed from the view of human agency. In this view, individuals are measured as factors who are contained in their own progression and, by means of their actions, they are able to make things happens. According to agency view, among other individual elements, people have self-beliefs through which they apply some control over their ideas, emotions, and activities. Therefore, people are both products and producers of their own surrounding and social system (Pajares, 2002) Upon of all the concepts that impact people’s presentation and performing, and locate at the center of social cognitive theory, are self-efficacy beliefs (Pajares, 2002). The foundation of human motivation, well-being and individual attainment is supplied by self-efficacy. If people believe that their attempt can create the requested results, they have enough stimuli to take action or insist in the face of adversities (Pajares, 2002). Empirical evidence