Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Concept Developed By Robert Merton

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Myers (2013) states, “Self- fulfilling prophecy is a concept developed by Robert Merton. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that causes us to act as a particular definition of others, a situation, of ourselves, were true and as a result, it becomes true because of our actions” (p 170). Charles Horton Cooley also had a manifestation of the self-fulfilling prophecy which he called the looking-glass self. Eshleman (2013) states, “there are three components: 1 how we think our behavior appears to others, 2 how we think others judge our behavior, and 3 how we feel about their judgments” (p170). Merton and Cooley were both sociologists who develop the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy and the concept of the looking glass.
Self-fulfilling …show more content…

Going thru these stages I have learned there are different stages of survival. Without knowing how to survive I cannot know who I am on the inside. According to Lester, (2013) “Maslow proposed basic needs into five categories: physiologically, safety and security, belongingness, esteem and actualization” (p15). I have learned that without physiological needs I couldn’t survive, or become the person I am today. I need air to breathe. I need water to stay hydrated. Food to eat to keep my body filled with energy. I need sleep to rest because without it could affect my health. I need to stay heathy to keep strong and stress free. I have learned that without safety and security I could face harm or death. I need shelter, not only for me but for my family. I need a warm and nurturing place to keep safe. I need job security to take care of my family. Without a secure job, I face unemployment and welfare. I don’t want to live in poverty, so I make sure my security and safety needs are met. The more these needs are satisfied the better my psychological health would be (Lester, 2013). These items pertain to self-fulfilling prophecy because my personal attitude, the way I live, and the way I see myself all relate to how I behave in my everyday