Sensation Seeking Theory

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Summary This study focuses on the role of gender and sensation seeking personality on level of aggression. Convenient sampling will be used to source participants who are 18 years old and above among Malaysian young adults. There are two questionnaires that will be given out in this research which are Marvin Zuckerman’s Sensation Seeking Scale Form V (Zuckerman, Eysenck & Eysenck, 1978) to examine participants’ levels of sensation seeking personality and Buss-Perry’s Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, 1992) that will evaluate the aggression level of the participants. The hypotheses of this study are (i) there is a correlation between sensation seeking personality and aggression level; (ii) there is a difference between both genders on …show more content…

There are four interrelated subscales in sensation seeking personality: Thrill and Adventure Seeking (TAS), Experience Seeking (ES), Disinhibition (DIS), and Boredom Susceptibility (BS) (Zuckerman, 1994). TAS is defined as desire to engage in activities that involve speed/ danger such as parachuting or sports; those who are high in ES are more intent to engage in novel experiences such as travel or arts; DIS is shown by the desire in seeking sensation through social and sexual disinhibition such as party, sex, and social drinking; and finally, BS is defined as aversion to repetition or routine lifestyles (Zuckerman, …show more content…

However, a connection between all three variables, i.e. Sensation seeking, aggression level, and gender is yet to be established, especially among Malaysian young adults. In line with this, Triandis and Suh (2002) reported that personality is shaped not only by genetic, but surroundings and cultural influences as well. Hence, the current study aims to investigate the role of culture on sensation seeking personality. Moreover, the previous studies shown focused on sensation seeking as a whole rather than examining each subscale of the whole component. Thus, the current study aims to address these issues by investigating how gender plays a role in sensation seeking and aggression level among Malaysian young