Analysis Of The Cleveland Abduction By Ariel Castro

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Ariel Castro “The Cleveland Abduction” Ariel Castro was born in Puerto Rico on July 10, 1960. He moved to Cleveland, Ohio. In 1992, Castro lived at 2207 Seymour Avenue with his significant other and children. It was to believe that Castro was well known within his community. He was the bus driver of his community school. Yet, Castro was allegedly violent with his wife and she filed for a divorce in 1996. It was also stated that Castro had psychological issues from on the inside of his family perspective, but they could not describe what was really going on in Castro’s marriage. Some may believe that since Castro was always alone and did not pick back up in his romantic life that this is what may have finally struck him into wanting to do such …show more content…

Knight had to attend a social services meeting to deliberate custody of her son, Joey. She had been in a panic due to already being 30 minutes late. She went to a gas station to ask for directions. When Castro had overheard her and said he could give her a ride to the Court House. While driving on the way to the Court House Castro had thought it would be a wonderful gift if he had given a puppy to her son before he had dropped her off to the court house. During the ride to Castro’s house Michelle had acknowledged him as the father of a younger girl who had attended her school. Nevertheless, little did she know that she was one block away from her own home? Michelle Knight did not know that she would be held captive as a sex slave for eleven years. As soon as she would step into the house of horror, Castro had then made her pregnant and beat her into miscarrying five times. As the years went on Castro constantly taunted her: about her looks, about the fact that nobody was looking for her. She was convinced she would die in the …show more content…

The Arousal-Seeking Behavioral Theory was originated by Lindsley and further researched by many other psychologists and sociologists. This theory states that “for a variety of genetic and environmental reasons, some people’s brain functions differently in response to environmental stimuli” (Lee, 1996). According to Lee, every person tries to reach an optimum level of arousal from the environment and too little stimulation causes a person to be bored while too much stimulation causes anxiety. Anxiety would lead to sensation seeking. At the center of this theory lies the fact that sensation seekers are more biologically and environmentally prone to engage in deviant