Separation Techniques Lab Report

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The purpose of this lab was to learn how to design a lab and different separation techniques. This was learned by separating a mixture. The purpose of the lab is important because it gives a better understanding on how to design a lab and separate a mixture. The scientific method played a major role in the lab as it helped create the lab. Background information was gathered on each of the substances (salt, sand, iron filings, poppy seeds). Using this information helped to form ideas on separation techniques of each substance. The information gathered on each substance was that sand sinks in water, salt dissolves in water, iron filings are attracted to magnets, and poppy seeds float in water. Manipulating the properties of these substances allowed for an understanding of different separation techniques. Which lead to a hypothesis “if water is added to the mixture, then the poppy seeds will float”. Next a lab procedure was created using techniques such as magnetism, filtration, and evaporation. Observations were also key, as without them there would be no data to the lab. Overall through each part of the …show more content…

An example of the scientific method used in real life is when a phone won’t turn on. First thing to do would be to have background information on the phone. Then to create a hypothesis “if the power button held down for 20 seconds then the phone will reboot and turn on”. After creating the hypothesis it can be tested and analyze to see if the hypothesis can solve the problem. Separating a mixture can also be related to real life just like in separating a mixture a basketball team does the same thing. As their background information is called film as they study it and learn everything about players on the opposing team. Then the team manipulates the weakness of a player on the other team to isolate them from scoring. Similarly when separating a mixture you manipulate the parts of each substance to isolate

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