Writing The Laboratory Notebook By Howard M. Karane

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Summary of the “How to writing the laboratory notebook”
The main purpose of this book are talking about the important of writing the notebook on the laboratory and teaching how to write the laboratory notebook in the most efficient way. This book was written by Howard M. Karane who has a lot of experiences working in the Research and Development Laboratories of the Portland Cement Association. First of all, the first chapter of the book explain the reason why we need to take note at the laboratory. One of the most important steps of any scientific investigation is maintaining the experimental data and observation in the laboratory notebook. Through the data that collect and keep on the note, the researcher can study, analyze, discuss, evaluate …show more content…

Next, author remind the researcher inspect the notebook while in use because it helps to track the note taking follow the order. By asking some questions, researcher can make sure that the notetaking are follow the rule or not, such as: is the handwriting readable? is the work described completely? Or have you signed, and wrote the date under each page yet? so on. Fourthly, this book recommends the good technique to organizing and writing the notebook in order to easily understand the data and observation. Front matter, is the first part of laboratory notebook, where contains exterior title, sign out page, table of contents, preface and table of abbreviations. In the body of the notebook, the author introduces the laboratory research experiments (introduction, experimental plan, observation and data, discussion of results and conclusion). In additions, author suggested researcher using the scientific writing styles, grammar, and tone while taking the note. Furthermore, this book provided some of good example about notebook entries, electronics notebook and notebooks of Famous Scientists. These example play an important role as well as a good source reference that can help new

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