Serial Killer: Video Analysis

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“Serial Killers!” I never imagined seeing a serial killer as calm as (blank) was in the video “Mind of a Killer”. For a matter of fact, I was unsure that any serial killer could be sane, or calm at all. I seemed to put serial killers in this category that you’d be unable to talk to them and make sense of anything they did because how could you considering the crimes they commit? I was also unsure how you could test every inch of their brains to make sense of it all. While watching and listening to this video on a specific serial killer and going further into the minds of serial killers I did not know how to feel. Watching this video gave me a bird's eye view as if I were there with them testing every inch of his brain searching for answers. …show more content…

Considering the fact that we are all humans, we are all capable of being serial killers. The question of “If that is true, then why aren't we all killing as we speak?” We are all capable of serial killing because of “Nature and Nurture”. This means that nature is dealing with genes, personality traits and physical things that are unchangeable. Nature is the genetics, biological and family ties if the genetics develop poorly it makes a person more vulnerable to not develop and causes halts in judgment. Nurture on the other hand deals with social and environmental factors. The environment plays a big role in which it deals with brain trauma as well as emotional trauma. Nurture deals with the effects of neglect, bullying, poverty, death, and stress. These are the many things that could play a role in someone becoming a serial killer. It is not a fact that someone from a bad childhood automatically grows to become a killer, despite popular belief it is the ones from the happiest of homes that commit crimes. Anyone is able to exhibit violent characteristic given certain situations in which your vasopressin levels are increased and your serotonin levels are decreased causing you to act irrationally. Anyone could be capable of killing because anyone’s frontal lobe could be damaged, despite how smart you could be. Your frontal lobe is control of your social skills, thinking, planning, problem- solving, emotional and behavioral control. All of these things circle around nature, nurture and