John Wayne Gacy Research Paper

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To everyone who met him, he seemed a likeable man. He was widely respected in the community, and easy to get along with. A good catholic and sharp businessman who, when not running his construction company used his free time serving with community groups and entertaining children as “pogo the clown” To the community John Wayne Gacy was a, friendly family man but underneath the smiling mask of the clown was the face of a depraved man. A serial killer. A serial killer is defined according to Dr. Katherine Rams of Psychology today i s someone who commits more than 3 murders over a period that spans more than one month. There are many opinions about how someone can become a serial killer, However, psychologist only collectively agree on 3 factors …show more content…

To begin with,” mental illness is a condition that impacts a person’s thinking and his or her ability to relate to others and function on a daily basis (mayo foundation for medical education and research). “Schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and antisocial, borderline disorder are the most broadly recognized mental disorders associated with serial killers.” Over 51 million people suffer from schizophrenia a brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally (psychology today). “Ed Gein, who is the inspiration for Norman Bates, David Berkowitz, who is also known as the son of man and Richard Chase, who killed people and drank their blood were all diagnosed with schizophrenia. Next is Borderline personality disorder which is characterized by impulsive behaviors, intense mood swings and feelings of low self-worth and is said to affect far more women than men. Individuals with this disorder become very paranoid and suspicious of people. If they experience environmental or social trigger that reminds them of past abuse it can result in a spree of …show more content…

Now that I’ve discussed the first factor of making a serial killer I will discuss the second factor, which is brain damage. Some researchers theorize that serial killers have brain damage that contribute to their actions. If areas like the frontal lobe, the hypothalamus, and the limbic system is damaged it can cause extreme aggression, loss of control, and violence. The hypothalamus regulates the hormonal system and emotions and is located below the thalamus. It can be damaged through malnutrition or injury .Serial killers with damaged hypothalamus murder for the primary goal of attaining sexual gratification. Second the limbic brain system. If the limbic brain system is damaged the individual loses control over primary emotions such as fear. Individuals with the damaged limbic system are characterized as cold blooded because they usually have a blank stare as if they are empty. Now that I’ve discussed the 2 factors of making a serial killer I will discuss the final factor that sets off a serial killer, childhood

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