John Wayne Gacy Research Paper

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John Wayne Gacy, The Clown Freak Serial Killers all over the world murder innocent people most of the time for no apparent reason. These individuals are defined as freaks of nature, monsters that are mentally ill. Mental illness follows these predators throughout their lifetime and can take a toll on them, making them become this way. Not all serial killer’s are born with the urge to kill innocent human beings; they are made this way. Parents and other bad influences can cause them to act uncontrollably and become different people. In this case, John Wayne Gacy’s father had a major impact on him throughout his lifetime. “A serial killer is conventionally defined as a person who murders three or more people in a period of over a month” (“How to Spot”). Most serial killers have …show more content…

Besides being sexually confused, he was an overweight child who was unable to perform the most common physical tasks that other kids his age could do. He had a heart condition that caused frequent seizures that hospitalized him every so often. These reasons caused isolation for Gacy, he felt that he had nobody but himself. His father didn’t care about Gacy, he figured that he was faking it just for some attention the whole time. After all these times, the arguments, and the abuse, Gacy still always loved his father and what he stood for in his political views and how he went with his daily life. Gacy’s sexual confusion was brought to his mother’s attention later in life. “His mother told police that if her husband had known that John Wayne had had sex with men, he would have killed him” (Janos). Even after all that, John Wayne Gacy would still look up to his father. As John Wayne grew older, he attended a college in Chicago called Northwestern Business College, despite the fact he didn’t graduate high school. Working as a sales manager in a shoe company, he later met his first wife, Marlynn

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