Servant Leadership In The Movie 'Deathly Hollows'

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Throughout history and even in today’s society, pop culture has relied heavily on the roles leaders perform in different situations. One of the most current examples of leaders in pop culture are the Harry Potter Series. The characters in the last Harry Potter movie “Deathly Hollows” part Ttwo are true examples of leaders in action. However, there is not just one single leader or leadership situation in the movie. Different situations will allow different characters to establish a leadership role depending on their strengths in the situation. An example, is in the beginning of the movie when Hermione steps up as a leaders and creates a plan to get the magical trio of Ron, Harry, and herself out of the bank vault in Gringott's Bank.
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Servant leadership is a new an alternative perspective to the more common leadership style where leaders lead and servants follows. As stated in “Leadership Theory and Practice” written by Peter Northouse, servant leader’s main focus is placing their followers first above themselves, by empowering them, nurturing them, and helping their followers develop their full capacities (226). Harry Potter represents a servant leader because he places the self-interest of his followers above his own, he chooses to both serve and lead his followers which most of the time are his friends and close companion. Harry Potter never asked to be the boy who lived, he never wanted the responsibilities that were created for him in his life to be the wizard who defeats Lord Voldemort. However, he takes charge of the situation and choses to be responsible for the good-will of all his followers and even the people who do not believe in him. Harry chooses to serve the good of all the wizarding world and humanity above his own needs and wants for a more normal life. Harry Potter exemplifies many of the characteristic of the leadership role, because he is a steward who takes on the responsibility as the leader who will fight Lord Voldemort at the very end of the movie. He accepts his roles and the responsibilities, such as training and leading Dumbledore Army, as well as the potential of laying down his life for the good of the community and to ultimately bring about a great social impact of saving the wizarding world. In addition, he builds a community of followers who come together in the last movie to fight Lord Voldemort, he does this by empowering them to be the best wizards possible, as well as conceptualizing the ultimate goal to defeat Voldemort. Harry Potter is empathetic and