
Seven Dials Mystery

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Agatha Christie’s Seven Dials Mystery is a wonderfully crafted mystery novel. The story begins with the stunning death of Gerry Wade. Made to look like an accident, his death raises suspicion in some of his friends, and eventually, his friend Ronald Devereux also dies unexpectedly. His death sets characters Bundle, Loraine, and Jimmy Thesiger off to find the killers of their friends. The trio finds out about a secret group that they believe killed their friends and is about to steal something. In an attempt to stop this, the main character Bundle eventually finds out that it was Jimmy and Lorraine who were behind the murders and that the secret group was innocent. The Seven Dials Mystery’s detailed characters, developed relationships, and a …show more content…

One case of this development is seen in how Jimmy and Loraine indicate throughout the book that they like each other. When they first met, Jimmy “felt a pang of jealousy” (Christie, 2012, p. 29) because Loraine paid more attention to Ronald, and later on, his heart “missed a beat” (Christie, 2012, p. 67) when he saw Loraine in his house. The relationship that develops between them is very crucial because it is later revealed that they were together all along and that they were both co-conspirators in the murders. Another relationship in the book is between Bundle and her father, Lord Caterham. They are complete opposites as Bundle is always “in a hurry” (Christie, 2012, p. 44) and “never content to be in one place for more than two minutes” (Christie, 2012, p. 242), while her father is always relaxed and not very serious about anything. He calls the murder in his house “very inconsiderate” (Christie, 2012, p. 34), and when he learns that Bundle is going to marry Bill, his only response is asking,”He’s scratch, isn’t he? He and I can play together” (Christie, 2012, p. 284). Contrary to the other, this relationship provides some comic relief throughout a mostly serious story. Even though they serve different purposes, both relationships make the plot more complex and

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