Sexual Assault Trauma Essay

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The experience of a sexual assault has consequences both in society, as well as for the individual. Individual consequences that is for the victim itself, may include actual physical harm (from the assault itself) and increased risks of sexually illnesses such as pregnancy, mental health problems (posttraumatic stress disorder/PTSD), and others chronic health problems. Female veterans who were sexually assaulted during their military careers are more likely to use mental health services. They experience difficulty adjusting to civilian life, and have more trouble obtaining employment after discharge than are female veterans without a history of sexual assault, as the example of impact in the society. Studies have also found the victim of …show more content…

Treatment for veterans who report is provided based on each individual’s symptoms or diagnoses. The majority of these mental health treatment episodes are focused on PTSD. A large randomized clinical trial of prolonged exposure has been conducted in VHA for the treatment of PTSD among female veterans and active-duty personnel, with about 70% of women participants reporting some type of unwanted sexual encounter that involved force or threat of force while in the military. The study found that prolonged exposure was superior to present-centered therapy in reducing PTSD symptoms and suggests that treatments with demonstrated success in treating sexual assault among civilian women are likely to be effective among female veterans with sexual assault trauma. There have yet to be controlled trials for the treatment of PTSD among male veterans who have experienced sexual assault. Cognitive behavioral treatment for PTSD and substance use disorders is another example of a potentially effective intervention for veterans who have experienced sexual assault, as effective¬ness has been demonstrated with sexually assaulted civilian …show more content…

Navy and United States Marine Corps aviation officers were alleged to have sexually assaulted at least 83 women and 7 men, or otherwise engaged in "improper and indecent" conduct at the Las Vegas Hilton in Las Vegas, Nevada, top officials have taken another look at sexual harassment policies and programs. Each of the service chiefs has adopted the "Zero Tolerance" policy. When implemented, it will mean that sexual harassment will not be condoned; every effort will be made by all members of the service to eliminate this unacceptable attitude. This is not a new policy; all the services have had this policy to fight sexual harassment since the 1980s. But they failed to implement or enforce it." All the services are taking this matter seriously, at the moment. The Air Force, for example, relieved a Wing Commander in Korea for sexual harassment. The Navy relieved four admirals and the Secretary of the Navy resigned over the Tailhook incident. Similar actions have been reported throughout the armed

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