Sexual Discrimination: Underrepresented Women

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Sexual Discrimination For as long a humanity has kept records, women seem to have been victims of sexual discrimination. In other words, women have been raped, abused, underappreciated, and generally mistreated in society based on the fact that they are women. The issue of gender discrimination is widespread around the World and millions of women suffer from sexual discrimination from any of its various form daily. Sexual segregation prevents women from passing citizenship to their children, to get a divorce, even when they are abused by their partner, and to get a proper education in some countries. Thus women suffer at the hands of a patriarchal society where they have virtually no rights. Women are underappreciated around the world, underrepresented …show more content…

Not only that, but they also suffer physically. Aside from direct physical harm that is inflicted to women, through segregation, women suffer from the physiological side effects that occur due to the long exposure to gender segregation. According to (Rettner, 2011), there are six major physical side effects to sexual harassment, that can be explained as follows. Long term depression, sourced from self blame, leads on the long run to a degradation of mental health. Along with Post traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, a psychological condition where the patient experiences recurring thoughts that remind them of the trauma experienced, this pushes the patients away from other people and experiences that may remind the victim of the harassment. In addition to the previous issues experienced, sleep problems were labeled as yet another side effect, as a strong relationship was found between victims and sleep disturbances, due to stress and anxiety. Depending on the degree of the latter two problems, suicide might become an issue with the victims of sexual harassment. In order to save all women from their struggle on a psychological level, the discrimination experienced by women should be stopped as women suffer greatly from it. In order to save women from the chronic exposure to the painful side effects of sexual discrimination, gender …show more content…

They claim that male superiority is justifiable through stereotype, as they believe that the stereotype should at least carry some form of truth. Stereotypes are based on perceived social behaviors that have been witnessed during a certain amount of time for them to be generalized onto a whole group of individuals. As a result, societies around the world have come to accept sexual discrimination as a natural part of life. This stereotype is reinforced by the fact that it is present in different cultures around the world. Consequently, one would find it hard to argue against such an established thought that has been woven into the social construct of a society. In addition, a more developed arguments, one that stems from actual scientific research, is neurosexism which is the belief that women are inferior to men, due to the different composition of their brain and the fluids present inside the cranium. This argument has been developed and is actually based on scientific results that clearly show differences in the size of the brain between men and women, but also in the composition of the brain fluids. (Bergman, 1994) This has led a good number few people to claim that women are in fact inferior to men, as claimed by (Brown College, 2013) in their analysis of arguments for sexual discrimination. But in a mostly patriarchal world, ran by misogynists who refuse to let go of age old prejudice, one can clearly see that, those