Seymour Chwast And Jonathan Barnbrook Essay

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In this essay I will be discussing the work of two references, one historic and one contemporary, who’s work has been particularly influential in the field of Graphic Design and Illustration. Seymour Chwast, born 1931, and Jonathan Barnbrook, born 1966 are the two references I have researched. After analysing and critiquing both of their work, I will also discuss possible connections I have found between the two references’ work as Graphic Designers/Illustrators, and any opportunities for further research. Seymour Chwast is a Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Typographer from New York City, USA. Born in England, Jonathan Barnbrook is a Graphic Designer and Typographer, as well as being an activist and film maker.

At a young age Seymour Chwast …show more content…

Through different processes and different mediums however, they communicate some similar messages. I’m interested to research further into the the Magazine Adbusters, as it is an anti-advertising publication, I’m interested to learn why they disagree with how advertising is used and learn more about other designers such as Jonathan Barnbrook who have been involved with the organisation. I am also interested in looking into other graphic designers/artists who are using irony to communicate dissent in recent years such as Jean Jullien. After researching and learning about Seymour Chwast, I wish to look further into the work of people he has collaborated with such as Milton Glaser. I’m also inspired by some of the art movements that informed Chwast’s work, particularly Victorian typography and design and Art Deco. Through finding connections between these artists, it allows us to really analyse their ways of designing, deeper than what you see at face value. It’s also interesting to compare a historical approach to design to that of a contemporary one, as it gets us thinking why we design things the way we do, how best can we communicate to the viewer, and how can Graphic Design/illustration be used