
Shabbat Research Paper

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‘The Seventh Day: Revisiting Shabbat’ display at the Jewish Museum of Florida International University in Miami Beach through Oct.25, and this traveling exhibit is from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Museum in New York. Through the work of leading international artists, this exhibit presents contemporary and often provocative depictions of Shabbat. The practice of Shabbat evolved, changed and expanded over millennia to meet the needs of people, respond to the growth of rabbinic law and adapt to the life of travails in the Diaspora. Because of the technology and culture in this era, there is no more boundaries to separate work, play and relaxation, and this exhibit invites people to think of their own definition of Shabbat …show more content…

For this reason, Jewish need wash themselves clean, dress nicely, clean their home and are walking in tip toe on Friday afternoon. It is also believed that they will actually receive an additional soul every Shabbat. The prophet Isaiah claim that if you restrain your foot because of the Sabbath, avoid from your affair, and call the Sabbath delight the holy of the L-rd may honored you with reward. For Jewish, the Shabbat is so important that everything they touch, do or say must be consistent with this holy …show more content…

Men throughout the week focus on his business affairs and supporting living of his family. There is one day in a week where he can refocus on himself and the most important value in life. When I first look at the Sabbath, I merely thought that is was a good idea to rest and recharge physically and spiritually in the end of the week, but these aspects are only of the purpose of the Shabbat. The Sabbat plays one of the most important roles in Jewish faith, and it is one of the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the fundamental principles of Jewish living. Mandates that share similar themes were group together on the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. The first five mandates were about the relationship between G-d and men. And last five wee about the relationship between men and men. We learn that Sabbath have a vital role in the relationship between G-d and men because it is placed in the fourth place of the first group. The Sabbath is valued highly because its observance in deed is the embodiment of what Judaism believe on. The idea of the G-d created the word and His involvement in human

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