Shared Knowledge Analysis

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The term ‘shared knowledge can be described as socio-cultural knowledge, broadly along the lines of a set of norms, values, signifiers and cultural mores. And when an individual starts himself/herself belong to a group, that person also adopt their opinion and perspective such as in family, religious, ethnic,national groups. Since the people’s methods of inquiry changes and develops, it would be correct to say shared knowledge is dynamic. ‘Personal knowledge’ on the other hand, is defined as knowledge acquired through person’s own experiences, feelings, and the world around people’s gained through their senses and it is also dynamic which is response to our experiences. The distinction between two knowledge becomes evident when people start …show more content…

Art makes people see beyond and enriches people’s lives in several ways. In arts, there are two points of view; objective view of art, subjective view of art. Objective view of art depends on only the observer, but subjective art of view is based on personal preference. People’s idea of beauty and a aesthetics change over time and people’s perception of art depends on shared and personal knowledge. Shared knowledge affects personal knowledge in art since it creates commonly accepted paradigm that society evaluates it as ‘art’. For example painting of Leonardo da Vinci; Mona Lisa is considered as one of the most beautiful and one of the best known work of art. If people were asked whether Mona Lisa painting is good or not, all of them would say it is perfect because of its glorified depiction in pop culture and also many of them did not know the secret facial expressions of Mona Lisa. Therefore, shared knowledge affects personal knowledge in this situation. From the beginning of people’s education in school or in home, parents or teachers orient students/children and displays them what to do while they were painting. When people come across to an unknown work of art such as a book, they look at the comments on the back cover or they ask people’s opinions about that book.They decide whether they would buy it or not according to people’s …show more content…

Classical music gives a tranquil mood, watching a comedy make people laugh and this shows how art changes people’s feelings. If community, a group of people which are expert on a work of art, people accept and adopt their perspectives as their own and consider as beautiful or amazing. People’s individual experiences, tastes determine what people like and appreciate and people’s emotions also influence their sense of perception. An individual’s mood can be identified with paintings, songs. That’s why when people are sad, they listen slow,and sad music. To what extent can a piece is considered as a work of art? To what extent do people permit artistic licence?( to have the right claimed by artists to express themselves without having to adhere precisely to the truth) Some art of works are censored because of their excessive nudity, excessive use of profanity such as songs by Eminem, or Lil Wayne. Some people do not consider nude photography, songs with profanity as art. Art censors work on their own judgements and perceptions of art.The work they censor is based on their own definition of art. In addition to that, sense perception, religion have an impact of the way people see different work of art. Because of this, defining art and setting boundaries for art can not have a definite guideline and restriction. Majority of the people’s opinion affects and forms restrictions for censorship so,