Shared Reading Response Paper

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The student struggles with phonological awareness, consequently they are not attempting to sound out unknown words. The student is guessing words, which are unfamiliar word, they guessed one of the characters’ names, there was no decoding or chucking to establish the word. The student went with the first letter and end sounds of the word. To be phonologically aware a student needs a good knowledge and understand of the relationship between letters and sounds and a sturdy base of sight words. (Fellowes & Oakley 2014).
Therefore, a teaching method to develop Riley’s skills is shared reading, the educator will have the children follow the text as they read aloud first time through the text, children may join in when feasible. Shared reading builds sight words, further develops …show more content…

211, 2014). A great rhyming pedagogy is introducing nursery rhymes these builds skills to detect rhyme in words, see rhyme in unknow words all the time developing decoding skills. Rhyming is a skill to help students segregate between phonemes sounds and to distinguish rhymes in words is vital skill to read and comphrend all forms of reading (Fellowes & Oakley, pg. 209, 2014). This pedagogy the involves the educator using open ended questions giving the students prospect to answer at their levels. Having students read know nursery rhymes in small groups and together come up with different lines while keeping the nursery rhythm continuing as well developing the student’s knowledge of syllables, because the changed line should contain the same count of syllables to continue the rhyming pattern. The educator can guide their students, with verbally prompts to words which rhyme until the students grasp the

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