Analyzing Words To Break Apart Into Syllables

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Overview – Students will use the beat of lyrics to analyze words to break apart into syllables. The students will keep track of how many syllables are used utilizing their addition. The goal is to utilize musical practices to help students become more proficient in language arts and mathematics.

Materials –
Jack Hartmen Syllable Song
Engine, Engine, Number 9 lyrics
Rhythm Sticks

- Understand why musicians use syllables to help find the rhythmic pattern.
- Identify syllables in words.
- Experience musical concepts such at beats and rhythm.
- Count and pronounce words.

Activities and Procedures
1. Jack Hartmen – Syllable Song
2. Warm up – Engage the class first with singing to the words of “Engine, Engine, Number 9”. Teacher will stand in front and model singing and stomping only to syllables. After teacher …show more content…

Introducing syllables. What are syllables and why are they important? Syllables are important because they are a building block to reading fundamentals. They improve readings skills by breaking apart words to help sound them out, spell words correctly, and to notice vowels. So why are they important for music? Syllables are a way that musicians help find the rhythmic pattern. To make connection to students, play a song and see how many students tap their foot to the song being played.
4. Analyze the lyrics to “Engine, Engine, Number” - When you sing the song how many times did you stomp to the word engine? How many syllables do you see in the word Engine( 2 ( En-gine)? Next how many times did you clap when you sang number 9?
5. Have the class circle up. Each student should be given a pair of rhythmic sticks. One student will be chosen to keep track of how many syllables are in each name on the board using tally marks. Students will go around in their circle one at a time saying an adjective and using the rhythmic stick to break apart the syllables. At the end the student at the board will reveal how many syllables the class ended

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