Water Cycle Research Paper

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1. Grade Level: Second Grade
2. Subject/Content Area: Science
3. Lesson Title: Introduction to the Water Cycle
4. Learning Context School and Community Context – Shaare Torah is a Jewish private elementary school for girls in Brooklyn, New York. There are two classes in each grade with five-teen to twenty students in each class. As well as, small group instruction that consists of 4/5 students to provide individual attention. Most of the students are from the same cultural background as well as have as same socioeconomic backgrounds. Majority of the students first language is English however some students first language is Hebrew or Arabic making them ELL students. Student/Classroom Context – Who are the students in your classroom?
A …show more content…

Let’s learn our own song!
The teacher will point to the water cycle poster and use her hands while she sings the song to emphasis the motion of the water cycle.
The song:
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does! ( teacher will make a big circle with her finger0a
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does! ( she will repeat the motion)
It goes up as evaporation, (teacher will lift her hands in the air)
Forms clouds as condensation, (teacher will form a cloud over her head)
Then comes down as precipitation, yes it does! (teacher will wiggle her fingers in a downward motion)
The teacher will state how the class will practice the song with the hand motions.
The teacher will show the class the water cycle spinner and bracelet, they will be making to remember all the interesting information they just learned.
The teacher will ask the class if they would like to make a water cycle bracelet.
The Each student will be given the correct number of beads then an explanation for the color and order of the beads.
Teacher will inform the students how they will be completing the bracelet together step by step. Hold up the string up and start on the side without the knot and let’s get …show more content…

Closure Teacher will review all terms learned that lesson and the class will sing the water cycle song one last time.

16. Instructional Strategies
This lesson incorportates and accommodates different learning styles. The water cycle video will serve as a visual aid for studnets.
Water cycle song with motions will serve as a musical and kinesthetic experience.
Water cycle spinner helps the students visualize the direction of the water cycle and how it goes round and round.
The water cycle bracelet serves as a reminder of the water cycle and the steps.
The worksheet that will used in class will require the students to use higher order thinking skills as well as creativity to answer the question.

17. Differentiation of Instruction
Some students will have to explain the water cycle using their bracelet and some students will have to say which stage of the water cycle each color bead represents or state the order of the water cycle using the bracelet as a reference.
Using motion while singing the song will help the students understand the direction of each stage of the water cycle.
The teacher will assist the students who need help completing the worksheet by offering

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