Aforementioned Shelter Book Report

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For the last few weeks I have been reading the book Shelter by Harlan Coben. Aforementioned Shelter, is about Mickey Bolitar, and his girlfriend Ashley. Throughout the book Ashley goes missing, and no one knows where she has gone, especially not Mickey. Mickey walks to a strange old lady's house, but everyone calls her Bat Lady. Bat lady tells Mickey that his father is alive, and Mickey doesn’t know what to think, because presumably he watched his dad die in a car crash. His mom is very unstable, and is in rehab. Mickey makes some new friends named Ema and Spoon. Throughout their adventure, they try to find where Ashley has gone. One of their clues lead them to Lizzy Sobek. A girl from the Holocaust that saved hundreds of lives. They realize that this so called “butterfly” is a symbol and they have uncovered a mystery far deeper than Ashley’s disappearance. I had many favourite parts of the book, and not so favorite I also made …show more content…

One way the book connects to Riverdale is because there is one character in the show that is named black hood. He goes around killing people. This reminds me of the soldier from the book that killed everyone during the Holocaust including Lizzy’s dad. That is the connection I made between Riverdale and Shelter. I also made a connection to The Maze Runner. I made this connection because I thought that in the movie The Maze Runner the characters all had to work together to get out of the maze, and there were some adversities but they made it. In the book Shelter they had lots of trouble before they could find where Ashley has gone. The last connection I made was to the real world. I made this connection, because as much as I don’t want to say this, this is happening right now. Girls are being put against their will. It really is sad what our world has come to. Those are the connections I made to the book