Just Do It Speech By Shia Labeouf

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Shia LaBeouf's "Just Do It" speech is the epitome of empowerment for me.

Whenever I feel like giving up on a task, I think of the speech by LaBeouf. LaBeouf empowers his audience by yelling at the camera. Though this terrifies some, the words he says are inspiring and encouraging. In his speech LaBeouf says, "Some people dream of success, but you are going to wake up and work hard at it. Don't let your dreams be dreams." This often renews my resolve to give the assignment one more try.

As far as I can remember, I aspired to be a pediatrician. Now, I believe that I have the capacity and commitment to fulfill my dream. LaBeouf’s words empower me through every difficult assessment/task in pursuit of my goal. His words remind me that I am

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