
Short And Long Term Causes Of The American Civil War Dbq

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Lincoln Barry
Mr. Sumner
U.S. History CP
Causes of the American Civil War

Throughout the years 1861 to 1865, the American Civil War took place. The War was between the two groups known as the Union and the Confederacy (the North and the South respectively). The War between the two groups inevitably occurred due to the issue of slavery. During the Civil War, approximately 620,000 people were killed. Although many were killed this war was a big turning point for the U.S. and played a major role in making us the country we are today. Slavery and Bleeding Kansas were some of the most influential long and short-term effects that caused the American Civil War.
There were many short and long-term effects that would later result in the American …show more content…

In Document 1 two maps are provided. One of the maps reveals to us that in the Northern states, there are many more railroads in function compared to the states south. The other map shows us that there are way more slaves and cotton produced in the southern states, compared to the northern states that have little to no slaves or cotton being produced. This document really shows us how much the two different ends of the country differ when it comes to things such as slaves and goods being produced. Another DBQ document that would help to prove this, is Document 2. In Document 2 we are given seven different pie charts that compare the North and South. In the first two pie charts, it is shown that 73% of people in the United States live in the North, and even though only 27% of people live in the South, the South makes up 88% of the slave …show more content…

In Document 7 we’re provided with a map that tells us what states are free states as well as what states are slave states. This map also shows us the territory of where the Kansas-Nebraska Act would take place. In the document it explains to us that the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed and the Missouri Compromise was repealed. This meant that the territory was to be held on popular sovereignty. Both the North and South jumped on this opportunity to claim the territory, and this eventually resulted in conflict between the North and South. The conflict between the North and South would take place in the state of Kansas and would later be known as “Bleeding Kansas”. According to McGraw Hill lesson 8.1 it says that the state of Kansas had a very nice climate and soil which Missouri was interested in for cotton farms, because of this, Northern states would also rush in attempt to claim Kansas as a majority antislavery and a free state. This information reveals to us how Bleeding Kansas was started and overall how it impacted the U.S. into starting a Civil

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