Short And Long Term Effects Of The Reconstruction Plan

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When the Civil War ended, the southern states were obviously in difficulty because of it. The southern states were in ruins because of the war. The war was so chaotic that it destroyed so much businesses, homes, hospitals exc. It had a scar in history and even to this day, it still had its effects. So President Abraham Lincoln pulled thorugh with his promise and a successful plan was created, The official plan called the Reconstruction plan. A plan was established for the people of the south that was needed. There were ideas for bringing the Southern states back into the Union. Abrahams lincolns vice president Andrew Johnson constructed another plan called the Radical Republican Plan. Lincoln was starting his plan back in 1863, two years before the Civil War …show more content…

They introduced various Reconstruction programs including: funding public schools, establishing charitable institutions, job training, and funding public improvements such as improved railroad transportation and shipping.
A nationwide economic depression following the Panic of 1873 led to major Democratic gains across the nation. White Democrats calling themselves "Redeemers" regained control of the South state-by-state, often using fraud and violence to control elections.
The end of Reconstruction was a staggered process, with Republican control ending at different times in different states. It was the Compromise of 1877, however, that finally ended all military intervention in Southern politics and Republican control of state governments in the South. This began the Jim Crow Era.
White-dominated state legislatures enacted Jim Crow laws and disenfranchised Black citizens through a combination of election laws and constitutional