For those who eat three meals a day plus snacks, the concept of intermittent fasting may seem like mind-boggling idea—or only for those who need to shed a few extra pounds. But intermittent fasting isn’t as extreme as it seems, and it has been shown to provide a variety of health benefits aside from weight loss—though it can certainly help with that, too.
An intermittent fast means that you don’t consume anything other than water (with a few exceptions) for 12 to 16 hours or longer. Some people fast for an extended period of time between dinner and breakfast the next morning, while others may fast for one full day each week.
Before you decide that you couldn’t possibly do an intermittent fast, consider the fact that you may already be unintentionally doing an intermittent fast if you eat dinner around 6pm and have nothing more than water or herbal tea before breakfast at 6 am
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Prevent Neurodegenerative Diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
According to recent research from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, intermittent fasting can have some really positive effects on the brain. Reducing consumption of calories at least two days per week appears to improve how neurons connect in the hippocampus—which is exactly what you want when you’re trying to prevent neurodegenerative diseases.
Apparently, calorie reduction has a similar effect on brain health as exercise. When you fast (or exercise) you deplete glycogen stores in the liver, which forces the body to burn fat. That fat is then converted into ketones, which are used as fuel in the brain and are known to have a positive effect on memory and cognition. Intermittent fasting also appears to protect the brain’s neurons from plaque accumulation, which is commonly seen in people with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
2. Boost Detoxification and Reduce Oxidative