Short Story: Akashi Seijuurou

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Akashi Seijuurou was a man that was difficult to figure out.

I became aware of this as the day progressed and, despite the confusion, I obediently followed his every order, even if they sounded absurd and unpredictable most of the time. Currently, we walked through the hall of his usual quiet abode, with me walking behind him. As we walked in silence, I watched his broad shoulders clad in the most expensive dirty white long sleeves - strong and sturdy, as he moved, while the smooth and straight tresses glowed rich red in the midday light.

Clearly, he wasn't the sort of man, who was easily intimidated despite his short stature, but in fact, was the opposite. Calm, collected, quite attractive to any women whom he would probably meet, he was …show more content…

Silently, he eased himself inside at the back, while I delightedly walked over at the driver's seat, quite eager to drive such a glamorous thing in my life. As I sat down, I propped myself down, I instantly felt myself sinking down at the comforts of its cushion, then holding the steering wheel in my palm - I was amazed by how soft and smooth it was that I flushed at the idea of steering it as I drive through the busy main roads of …show more content…

It was a most mysterious drive as I realized his discreet ways of directing me to roads I have never been before.

But, to be honest, I wasn't truly familiar with Osaka, and for that matter, I did not thought much of it; however, as we turned around a curb, passing by a ravine, I noticed how his voice dropped low, especially when we were rounding a corner. I would constantly see him anxiously fidgeting with his smartphone, his eyes dropping low, refusing a second to look outside at the sparkling sea that smoothly rolled by.

Odd. I wondered, seeing how grew quiet all of the sudden. However, as I was not the nosy kind of person, I remained silent and just enjoyed the moment.

After a few minutes, as soon as rolling hills came into view, thus covering the view of the sea, my employer turned up - his fingers no longer playing with his phone. "Turn to the right. That's our last path."

With that being said, he slipped back to the silence, while I simply answered him yes, quietly manning the wheel towards the instructed