Should All Student Athletes Be Drug Tested Essay

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Charleigh Mendenall Mrs. Hefner/ Mrs. Davidson English 9-1 22 MAR 2024 Title All student athletes should be drug tested because drugs are not always good, especially if they're in a sport. Taking drugs can slow down their body and make them run out of breath sooner. Steroids are a way of cheating to get better, even though they don't. Today, student athletes are using drugs to become stronger. School teams are not doing the best, because players are not doing their best. Using drugs will show athletes down and they won’t give their best, nor will they learn the proper skills for the game. Some athletes think they need to take steroids to be the best on the team. This evidence will show that steroids are not needed to grow bigger and stronger, “In Mike Ziesel’s 30 years as an athlete, …show more content…

"You don't need an extra boost if you truly respect the sport and yourself," he said.” Being dedicated to the sport and doing the very best they can is the absolute best way to be involved. All student athletes need is to be in the game to be a good player to be successful. No drugs are needed for this. Most student athletes think it is ok to take drugs to be a better player. Some think it is ok because steroids are supposed to make people better, but there are so many side effects. It's not a good idea. High School student athletes are mostly competitive teams, and drug usage is not the way to go. All they need is hard work and dedication to be good at the sport. After all, if athletes use these drugs it shows that they will slow down and they will not be able to give their best, nor will they learn the proper skills. Altogether, this shows that athletes do not need drugs to be a good player. All they really need is to put in the hard work. There are so many side effects to taking drugs that student athletes would not be able to do well with. Drug testing the athletes is a better way of keeping them