Should Children Should Be Allowed To Vote To 16 Essay

796 Words4 Pages

Final Draft
Avery Thompson
Voting at age 16

Should Kids be Allowed to Vote at Age 16?

Why put the president of our country in the hands of 16 year olds? You may not realize, but there is a big educational gap between the age of 16 and 18. The youngsters still have very much to learn and are not prepared to take on the responsibility of voting. Many of them haven't matured in behavior quite yet. We do not want that to have an effect on who our president of the United States of America will be. The voting age should not be lowered to 16 because your brain isn't fully developed until your later years, the teens are too young, only being in their second year of high school, and it leads to arguments in school as well as not being able to focus on school work.
To start off, kids should not be allowed to vote at 16 because they won't be able to focus on their school work as much. “Unnatural work produces too much stress” -Unknown. This quote is saying that only do work that is completely necessary and to not do any extra work that is completely not necessary so you are not as stressed. Teens are already stressed out with an overload of assignments, and staying involved in politics is like whole another assignment. It will be a great distraction from their school work, and the …show more content…

First off, the teens have not matured yet, and they cannot buy or drink alcohol. This statement relates to 18 year olds as well, but the year olds are more mature about this subject. Also, it is proven that an average person's brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25. The teens cannot drive or donate blood. This is said to be “impractical and undesirable”. I very much agree with that statement because it is impractical and undesirable that these poor kids could possibly be given another responsibility that they really don't need at this state in their life.