Should College Be Free Essay

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Growing up, many children seem to be dead set on their future dream job. Whether that be as simple as a veterinarian, doctor, or police officer or as imaginative as an astronaut or superhero, many of these kids think about their future lives starting at very young ages. Although many of these jobs are achievable, the sad reality is kids, teens, and young adults will never have the opportunity to study the field they want to pursue. This is due to the excessive cost of College tuition in the United States. Colleges and Universities in the United States should have free education to allow students more opportunities in their future, stop excessive amounts of debt, create a healthier and stress-free environment, strengthen the country's economy …show more content…

There are so many factors that go into running a stable economy, and one thing that could help boost the economy is offering free tuition. An article titled “Should College be Free? The Economic Impact of Free Collage” states, “In different types of economies, as college students graduate without debt, this would give them the ability to earn, save and spend immediately, which could stimulate the economy” (Bouchrika). Another article titled “Tuition-free college is critical to our economy” states, “Research shows that the private and public economic benefit of free community college tuition would outweigh the cost”(Winograd and Lubin). This shows that it could be an essential and robust impact on our economy for the better. With people able to spend their money on other things, the boost will allow more opportunities for people in their daily …show more content…

An article from Christian Institute states, “According to a forthcoming research report by ReUp Education… life balance- juggling responsibilities outside of college- is a more significant reason students leave” (Horn). Although life balance is a problem, in a more recent study from states, “51.04% of students drop out because they cannot pay for college-55% of them struggle to financially support their education- results in 79% of them delaying their graduation”(Bouchrika). College is a very important stepping stone in many people's lives, and some find the cost of it more difficult than others. Some people argue that those who can not afford college have easy access to opportunities to get money and scholarships. “Low-income students already have easy access to Pell Grants and other aids that help pay for community college tuition” (Evensen). Although many of these low-income families do have access to these accommodations, a study from the website shows that of those families in poverty, only 9.2% have some college education, with only 4.1% of them having a bachelor’s degree or higher. This indicates that even with the help, there are still so many people who still can't go or are unable to graduate with a