Should Death Penalty Be Legal In All 50 States

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The Death Penalty. A punishment made famous for it’s cruel purpose and unorthodox methods of execution. Many oppose the legality of the death penalty, but this law benefits the public exponentially. Regardless of the fact that state-sanctioned killing–or killing at all–is morally wrong, the death penalty should be legal in all 50 states.

The death penalty reduces the number of prisoners and cuts down on government spending. Every year, millions of people around the world are imprisoned. In 2013, the United States alone had 2,220,300 inmates. The United States government is challenged with getting enough food, water, electricity, etc. to support the prisons. The government must also make sure that no prisoners escape. The government spends an inconceivable amount money on imprisonment each year. In fact, a 2014 study showed that the US government spent $80 billion on incarceration alone. However, this number can be drastically cut down with the death penalty. The death penalty will reduce the amount of prisoners, which in turn cuts down the amount the government spends. …show more content…

This lowers crime rates due to the fear of death. Without the death penalty, criminals would be running wild; they would have zero fear of punishment. Also, by actively using the death penalty, the convicted would not be able to commit further crimes. It does not matter if one says that they will never do something again, because it is not possible to know for sure. For example, someone could swear on their life that they would never murder another person ever again. Again, there is no way to make sure that the person would not do something like