Should Drug Testing Be Banned Persuasive Essay

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Thesis: Even though drug testing in schools can get expensive, athletes are supposed to be held to a higher standard. Every athlete in the playing field should be on the same level as the rest of competing athletes.

Could you imagine your athlete trying to be revived from an overdose? You, as a parent need to deter potential drug use before that nightmare could become a reality. The number of athletes that have been caught using anabolic steroids, narcotics and other illegal drugs have increased greatly. You need to be aware of the increased drug usage of student athletes and become part of the solution to stop this epidemic by supporting mandatory drug testing in school sports.

Athletes represent their sport and are responsible for setting a good example. Some poor decisions can veer them away from setting good examples. We have all been guilty of making mistakes, some bigger than others. Don't you …show more content…

Your child can be a role model to younger children by staying drug free and setting good examples. Isn't that what all parents want? I sure would! Drugs are very unhealthy and can cause death if intervention or prevention is not put into effect. Why would any parent not support preventing their child from harming their body if given the option to? You should do everything in your power to help your child or children remain healthy. Lastly, drug use can iterfere with a life long dream of playing professional sports. As a child, I dreamed of playing sports when I was all grown up. What if I had overdosed from a drug and my life was taken at a young age? Reacting then would be too late. You have a choice to support mandatory drug testing or sit back and wait unitl it's to late. Don't wait until the clock cannot be turned back. Allowing the schools to test athletes can and will save lives, I assure you of that. Be the parent that says “a choice I made saved