Should Healthcare Be Considered A Business Essay

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There have been years of debate over whether the US healthcare system is considered a business. Simply put, a business is an organization working towards a common agenda, most of the time with the goal of making a profit. Using this definition, healthcare can be classified as a business because it’s a massive organizational structure that works towards improving the overall health of millions of people, while charging patients (costumers) for their services. However, the counterargument is that healthcare is a right. Even if patients lack the sufficient funds to pay for the care, everyone should have equal access to treatment. In today’s society, many people are treated in urgent care centers before seeing if they can cover the charges – as …show more content…

The goal of this business case was to create a distinctive competence, which is an area of expertise that separates an organization from others that deliver the same services. Although the products and services of healthcare and corporate sectors share many of the same ideals regarding the business case for diversity management and competence, there are several criteria that differ. According to the National Business Group on Health, the Office of Minority Health, and the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, arguments supporting these differences rest on three factors: “an expanded market share of minority patients, reductions in the cost of health services and increases in the efficiency of service delivery, and reduction of healthcare disparities and improved health outcomes for minority populations” (Dreachslin, Gilbert & Malone, 2013, p. 364). The population of the United States over time has grown more diverse – which leads to more minority populations seeking for the best quality of life. Although healthcare organizations have recently made progress in the aspect of diversity, they must consider this trend, competently and financially, as they plan their future service