
Should People Have A Second Baby Before Finishing Their College Education Essay

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The issue analyzed by this paper is whether people should have a second baby before finishing their college education. For example, I am twenty-one years old and I have a five year old baby boy, and he wants a baby brother or baby sister, but I want to wait. I feel like it is going to be harder on me to finish college by having another baby to take care of. Also, my husband wants to have another baby, but I tell him that my education comes first. In addition, if I get pregnant with my second child, I will lose my scholarship ($5000) because the scholarship I received states that I could only have one child.
Bentham argues that by using a hedonistic calculus an individual can establish what action to follow by just summing up the pleasures and pains that had result from a certain action being considered. He writes, “Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign …show more content…

He writes, " It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied" (Mill 120). This means that the human being “Socrates” is environmentally aware of the higher pleasures of life, and even if they can be dissatisfied their high spirits (Life), achieve and worthy than that of the “pig fool”, which the pig only knows what they want like their eating desires and happy in the mood. For example, I do not desire to have a child at the moment, but my son and my husband do. I am more satisfied with finishing my education and have a career to be able to support on my own. Furthermore, I feel unsadiafefded becasue my son is unhappy because I do not want to give him a baby brother or baby sister. Therefore, Mill’s point is some or all higher pleasures exceed some or all lower pleasure and we all know that is a higher pleasure as a result to that some normal or reasonable person would choose it over the lower pleasure, even if that means having to be

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