Should Principal Be Allowed To Search Lockers

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Imagine that someone has something dangerous in their lockers, wouldn't you want the principal to know? Also, why should anyone be keeping anything that they don't want the principal to find? The principal is considering conduction random locker searches, I know that and she has every right to do it. This will take place inside the school, and she will do this so she can see if anyone has any unwanted items in there.The principal should search lockers because she need to keep the school safe, she needs to find what's in our lockers in case of anything bad, and she needs to make sure everything in it is good. The main reason that the principal should search lockers is for the security and the safety of the school. If students knew that there lockers would be searched than they would not keep any unwanted items in them. Also, the principal needs to know what students are keeping in there lockers, so that if its bad, that person can’t hurt anyone. If you have nothing in your locker that is bad, then it shouldn’t matter if it is being searched. …show more content…

We should only be using our lockers to store school supplies, so we shouldn’t care if the principal looks inside our lockers. In fact, the ASCD has declared that the schools have the right to search student lockers, so she would not be violating any code that gives us the right to privacy. The principal will still balance students individual rights with the schools needs for a safe learning