Should Prisoners Have The Right To Vote Essay

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Human Rights were formed for the protection of the fundamental civil and political liberties in societies, committed to the rule of law. The European Convention of Human Rights was drawn up by the European Council, which was established after the Second World War, in 1953. It has now over 40 signatories, including the United Kingdom.

In the United Kingdom the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA 1998) came into force in October 2000. The scope of the HRA in the UK was to give further legal effect to the fundamental rights and freedoms contained in the European Convention of Human Rights. These rights don't have to do only with matters of life and death. We have the right to express our opinion, trust our beliefs, marry and start a family and other similar …show more content…

There were areas in the society that improved from the Act but also areas that get worst. One of these areas that get worst is the voting of prisoners. My answer to the question: should prisoners have the right to vote, is negative. Convict prisoners as I said before have chosen their path. I don't share the opinion that they are still members of the society, still amenable to its laws. They have been opted out of their society because prisoners, specifically the convicted, have committed grave crimes against their communities. If somebody has as main aim to break the rules of a society and therefore become a criminal, what is the reason to participate in a game intended to create more law? Moreover when they are in jail, they offer nothing to the community in terms of money, social wealth ness and so on. The right to vote is a privilege for people, who are working, contribute to the society. They should stop trying to prove that they have every human right like any other ‘free' citizen of a community because the reason why they are in jail is because they breach someone else's human rights and these are the remedies of their actions. The only group of prisoners that I believe can have a second chance to be part of the society again are these with short prison sentence, I think they deserve the