Should Schools Be Allowed To Limiting Students Online Speech

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Should Schools’ be Allowed to Limit Students Online Speech? School have been threatening to violate your civil rights! The problem that students’ are having is cyber bullying and schools want to help, but by helping schools will limit your online speech and violate your rights. I don't believe that schools should limit students communication online. The first reason I think that they should limit students online speech is because it will violate your first amendment, which is free speech. In stopping children's right of free speech they will not be able to express themselves and how they feel about certain people or places. Also how would the schools limit the student's online speech at home it would be a tedious process. They would have to make sure each student didn’t say anything bad which may take a while. For example in document F it says “We believe that any restriction specifically aimed at limiting the speech rights of people in the new electric forum is a step in the wrong direction.” …show more content…

Name calling at school may result in fights that the school would rather be avoided. Students could be very injured in these fights and there will be more trouble than there would be if they were just being rude over the internet. Students, if they were being affected by the content that other students are saying, could just block the sender of the messages or turn off their electronical device. This would avoid all of the cyber bullying attacks that students may have. For example the supreme court in Document D said that the School District was violating J.S.’s first amendment free speech rights when they suspended her for creating the