Should Standardized Testing Be Abolished Essay

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Precarious, stressed, anxious, is what a student may be feeling while taking a test. Why is that? We take standardized tests all the time; we don't realize the negative impact they have on students.
Standardized tests are unfair to students. Tests are biased towards students that don't come from money. In the article by Kira Goldring, Do Standardized Tests Improve Education? She states, “...if they can afford to go to an expensive school or prep course, and if they have more time to study because they don't have to work, then they will most likely perform better on such tests.” I remember when there was a hard test coming up and some of my friends couldn’t study as much as me because they were at work, and they couldn't afford such prep classes. Tests are discriminatory towards non-english speakers. In the article Is the Use of Standardized Tests Improving Education in America? It says, “English language learners take tests in English before they have mastered the language.” If you don't speak English, you wouldnt understand the test, so you wouldn't try, causing you to fail. In this …show more content…

Test money can be used to buy other more important things that most schools are lacking. According to Kira Goldring in the article Do Standardized Tests Improve Education? She illustrates, “There are schools all over America that are in dire need of updated materials, funding for teachers, school psychologists, more after-school programs, ect.” For instance, if schools stopped spending so much money on tests, students would get better materials. In addition, the amount of money being spent on tests is ridiculous. In the article Do Standardized Tests Improve Education? By Kira Goldring she explains, “A study found that standardized tests cost some states over $1.7 billion a year.” This is an enormous amount of money that could be used for something better for students. Spending money on tests is like buying a really expensive item and not using