
Should Standardized Testing Be Required Essay

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Standardized Tests: Should They be Administered? Introduction: On average students spend a total of nine days throughout their education partaking in the administration of state-mandated standardized tests (Robelen). Standardized tests have become distributed more frequently throughout public schools in America. Students, teachers, and schools are effected in numerous ways because of these high stakes, state standardized tests. At the end of the day, scores received are flawed and an untrue depiction of many students’ cognitive ability. Data is gathered from the students test scores and is used to better the schools’ overall programs specifying on core subjects and ideas. The data gathered can be justified as erroneous due to aspects that …show more content…

Each and every disability is different; SWD have different strengths and weaknesses to take into consideration for the accommodations needed for the test. They are required to partake in an equal education compared to students without disabilities which perchance levels the playing field. Carl Cederman, author of "High-Stakes Testing is Unfair to Students with Disabilities," states, “compared to their peers without disabilities, students with visual impairments and other disabilities have a range and combination of impairments that preclude their having similar experiences and opportunities for incidental learning” (Cederman). Statistics portray that 13.7% of students are integrated in special education classes (Cederman). This percentage is a large enough dent in the percentage of students overall that there should be some sort of individualized agreement to help support SWD perform proficiently. This number of students performing poorly creates a gap in the data gathered from test scores which effects the accuracy overall. Even with these accommodations the test scores have been seen to provide little evidence of

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