Should The Global South Happened To The End Of Poverty?

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Approximately 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related diseases and another 60-80 million people still live in slave-like conditions around the world (Diaz, 2008). This essay is going to discuss the problems that the Global South currently faces and the actions of the Global North against them. The Global North needs to stop taking advantage of the South and finally pay reparations. First, the documentary The End of Poverty? (Diaz, 2008) is going to be presented. Then, an excerpt from Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth (1963) is going to be introduced and explored. Finally, Fanon’s composition will be applied to The End of Poverty?
The documentary The End of Poverty? (2008) presents historical data and statistics about the Global North’s abuse of the Global South to further their own causes and wealth. The Global North includes Europe, North America, countries in Northeast Asia and Australia. The Global South is South America, Africa, Middle East and some …show more content…

Colonization started in Europe by way of the upper-class stealing the lands of the lower-class, which deprived them of their livelihood and ability to provide for their families. Europeans started globalization in approximately 1492 when they began expeditions to the Americas (Diaz, 2008). The Conquistadors were going into the tribal lands and taking their riches and conquering the people, by enslaving or killing.
The second issue presented is how the Global North takes advantage of the production of the Global South. In the beginning, Europe told each country what they were going to produce as an export. Next, the exported raw materials, which are purchased at a discount, are refined in Europe. Then they are used to create manufactured goods in Europe. Finally, Europe sells the refined material or goods back at an increased rate to the original producer of the raw