Should The Government Participate In The Vietnam War?

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Vietnam war occurred many years before I was even born, but I have gained some perspective on the event through history and talking with people who either served in the war or were old enough to remember the war. This is a very controversial and divisive issue, one thing we should all agree on, is no matter how much we disagree with the war or the "justification" of it, we must honor and be proud of our troops that serve and are sent into battle. I honestly don't think we helped our standing the world be engaging in this conflict. At that point I'm not sure communism was really as a significant threat as it was made out to be. Yes, preventing other countries and their citizens from being taken over by communist rule, was the moral thing to do, but was communist control of Vietnam a threat to our national …show more content…

In the end, what did we gain for all the blood and treasure we lost? Many feel we left the region in worse shape than it was before, kind of similar to modern day Iraq. We pulled out, not because of victory, but because of the court of public opinion. I also don't think our government had an end game strategy. As in what is our goal for the outcome of this conflict? We had already committed ourselves to help any ally that needed our help to end communism, so we kind of had to intervene in some manner. Our military was not designed for that type of war, it was fought in the jungle and this made it very difficult on our helicopters and airplanes. I can understand the perspective that we can't just sit back and allow the communists to take over and bully the smaller nations. Whenever the decision is made to send troops into battle, we have to have clear goals in place and have an exit

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