
Should The Jones Family Offer Clarifications For Tom's Behaviour?

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The aim of this essay is to discuss the nature-nurture debate and, give an explanation on how each perspective can offer clarifications for Tom’s behaviour. Furthermore, it will outline two psychological perspectives such as bandura and Freud theories, and how they are responsible for the behaviour and holistic development of two members of the Jones family. It will also analyse social inequality and its impact on Jones family and, how this could be addressed followed by a conclusion. The definition of the demographic patterns means studies of statics which include things such as birth, migration, mortality, unemployment. The jones family are a prime example as they were a working class family due to the fact that James is unemployed due to his disability. Working class means people that may have had a job before but our now unemployed and rely on benefits. He is on state benefits which will affect his style of life. For example People of benefits will have less of an income, will live in poorer cities and may live in cities which have high crime rates. The impact it may have on the family is …show more content…

There are many causes of inequality one of the main reasons is the poor. This is due to the lack of employment and this means that many families then go on to benefits. This fits in with James’s case as he is unemployed due to him being made redundant after having an accident and having his arm amputated. This means that the family will not be able to afford the basic needs which may cause more stress for the parents as they are struggling to raise the children. For the children they won’t be able to afford basic school uniform or the latest gear. They might also be receiving a poor education as they are living in a poorer area than most. They might not be able to afford going on holidays or even basic

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