Should There Be More Electronic Classes In High School

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First Draft Research Paper There should be more electronic classes in high schools. In high schools in the bay area there isn't enough electronic classes. If there were more electronic classes in high schools, they can prepare and encourage students to want to become electricians or also be involved in the electricity community. “Almost every building has an electrical system that is installed during construction and maintained after that. Electricians do both the installing and maintaining of electrical systems”. This quote means that all building need at least something to do with electricity, there are a lot of building and many building are being built every year, so thi could men that they will need more electricians to work on the buildings. …show more content…

Like in other classes there are advanced learning about that class there could be one for electronics. In the first beginning class it could be just basic learning then the more you keep advancing you can learn more and more hands on activity. “The online courses in electrical engineering explore computation structures, electronic interfaces and the principles of electric circuits. Learn the engineering behind drones and autonomous robots or find out how organic electronic devices are changing the way humans interact with machines”.(Electronics Courses) This quote is saying that what is on online classes and what it teaches you, it explains that the classes explore all sort of different courses. That way the newcomers could be more advanced and have better knowledge about it. This proves the point because the more they keep advancing the more they will know and the better work they will do. This is why in high schools they should provide classes and also advanced classes. In high school classes they could also have online courses, it won't be the same but you can still learn some