Should Transgenders Be Allowed To Compete In The Olympic Games Without Gender Reassignment Surgery

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‘Should Transgenders be Allowed to Compete in the Olympic Games Without Gender Reassignment Surgery?’
Frieda Wunder competed in the London 2012 Olympic Games in the men’s weightlifting competition under the name of Hanz WullSchleger. Wunder now proposes that she would like to compete in the Rio 2016 Olympics in the female category under her new name Frieda Wunder. The International Olympic Committee are still debating on the issue consulting many medical experts. However, many experts believe that ‘she has a slim chance of winning.’ Frieda Wunder although she has undergone gender reassignment surgery is still not officially recognised as a woman and therefore causes the International Olympic Committee to have an issue. If the Olympics were …show more content…

With the laws becoming more and more stretched and would ultimately end with the Olympic Games not being a fair and equitable event for all as it should be.

The International Olympic Committee have recently proposed new guidelines in order to make the Olympic games more equitable for all sexes. The proposed guidelines state that ‘trans-genders should be allowed to compete in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games without having gender reassignment surgery and without having two years’ hormone replacement therapy.’ Without having gender reassignment surgery does that officially make them a male or a female? The new guidelines are completely outlandish, unequitable and incomprehensible. If ‘transgender’ means ‘transitional’, does that not mean that they are albeit temporarily, neither? The process of becoming a male or a female is not complete and as the Olympics is a sporting event, then the process should be complete or another category made in order to make the Olympics a fair event for all. In the case of Frieda Wunder, even though her outer appearance is female her genetic and cellular activity is still that of a man. The anatomical differences between a man and a women are more …show more content…

It is similar because both ultimately lead to the competitor having an unfair advantage. They have an advantage of being enhanced, their body is physically adapted compared to the other competitors. Transgenders have an advantage as their body is better suited to some sporting events and drugs physically enhance the competitor’s performance. Therefore, in order to counteract this, rules and regulations have to be in place or in the case of transgenders have them compete in a different category. Many people would say that having transgenders compete in a different category in the Olympics is a violation of their human rights. However, are we not forgetting Paralympians? Paralympians have competed in the Olympic games under a different category since 1976 and are vigorously checked and categorized. Yet, people don’t believe that this is a violation of their human rights. Why is this any different than transgenders, after all they are all just human beings. Transgender athletes should have as equal a chance as everyone else and vice versa. Overall, this should be considered as a possible way to ensure that the Olympics is just, unbiased and an equal sporting event for

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