Should Viruses Be Considered Living Things?

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There has been a lot of controversy about whether viruses should be considered living organisms or not. Eventually, they were classified as non-living organisms. A lot of people still wonder why they are not classified as living things when things such as plants are. Plants meet the criteria and have the characteristics needed to be classified as living things. Certain characteristics that viruses have or do not have are what leads them to be seen and classified as non-living things. These characteristics keep them from meeting the criteria needed to be considered living things. They also do not possess some of the characteristics that are needed to be classified as living. Some of these characteristics include their lack of ability to metabolize and their lack of ability to self-reproduce. They also do not possess a cell membrane; this is something that all living things are required to have. Viruses are not able to metabolize on their own, which is something all living things are able to do. When something Metabolizes, it collects energy from itself and uses it. …show more content…

This virus is an RNA virus. This virus is mostly seen in animals but can also infect humans. The transmission of rabies is done through the saliva of an infected animal and through the saliva of an infected human. This virus was first discovered in 1931 when a Government Bacteriologist found unusual habits with the Negri bodies in the brain of a bat. Once infected with rabies, it travels quickly throughout the brain. After infecting the brain, it then spreads throughout the organs. This virus causes disorientation and extremely violent behavior. A way to tell if something has rabies, is to look for foaming of the mouth. Dying from the virus can take as short as two days or as long as five years from the time of initial infection. The time it takes to kill the host depends on how the disease was received. Most mammals will die within weeks of receiving the

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