
Should Voting Be Compulsory In The United States

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Compulsory Voting in the United States Compulsory voting is needed in the United States for everyone’s opinion to be heard. Voters should be well informed about politics as well as the candidates. In order to elect a person who will help better America, everyone that is able to vote should vote. Some people could complain about a candidate or their campaign promises but do not vote against them. America is lucky enough to have a democratic voting system yet some people do not take advantage of this privilege. Voting should be compulsory so people get their voices heard, they can be well informed and take advantage of the privilege to be able to have a say in the government. Complaints about a candidate or his or her actions mainly come from people who did not vote. People do not want someone with different opinions or views than them in office but still do not vote. Also people talk a lot about the changes they want to see and expect them to be fixed by whatever candidate gets elected. Even if someone does not fully agree with any candidate, voting for who has the most similar ideas is better than not voting. Making voting compulsory means more people will be encouraged to vote and have their …show more content…

If people know they will have to vote, it may encourage them to learn more about current issues and candidates. Many people already learn more about current events from news online. As a result, candidates can focus more on informing people about their ideas rather than getting them to vote. If everyone votes the election will be more accurate in displaying what the people want. For instance, if only a small number of people vote then only their opinions will be shown. As a result the candidate chosen may be representing a small number of people. For this reason, being informed beforehand is necessary to make intelligent decisions when

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