Sigmund Freud's Three Aspects Of Personality Analysis

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Sigmund Freud
Theory Overview-
Sigmund Freud seeks to explain emotional development through aspects of personality and examination of psychosexual development. He proposes that childrens’ emotional development begins at birth based upon specific needs of that developmental stage. When and how these needs are met, have lasting effects on the emotional development of the individual (Grace, 2017).
Aspect of Lifespan Development (Module Focus)-
Emotional Development
Theory Components –
The Unconscious Mind
The Three Aspects of Personality
• Id
• Ego o Defense Mechanisms (McLeod, 2013)
• Repression
• Denial
• Projection
• Displacement
• Regression
• Sublimation
• Superego
Oedipus Complex and Psychosexual Development
• Oral
• Anal …show more content…

Departments selected for this study are foreign language and mathematics due to the high ratio of full-time teachers and previous studies, which indicate math and language departments’ tendency to foster collaboration and instructional leadership practices rather than hierarchy. Vanblaere and Devos (2017) selected 32 schools for this study using stratified random sampling with consideration for the type of school and the geographical region. School leaders from each of the participating schools complete surveys to ensure that each math and foreign language department possess an appointed department head. 62 departments meet this requirement, with 32 foreign language and 30 mathematics departments selected for analysis in this study. Each department varies in size from 3 to 21 teachers, with the average department consisting of 9 teachers. Of the 248 teachers surveyed, 77 percent are women and 23 percent are men with an average age of 43.2 years. On average, the teachers have 20 years of teaching experience and 17.7 years experience within the current school. Survey participants academic subjects’ taught include 48 percent mathematics and 52 percent French with 83 percent being teachers and 17 percent of the participants being department …show more content…

Moreover, this research is one of the first to provide quantitative analysis of secondary departmental leadership characteristics and the effects on the PLC. This study adequately identifies appropriate subjects and departments using previous research. The selection of foreign language and mathematics is purposeful and founded in previous research such as that of Lomos, Hofman and Bosker’s (2011) study. Furthermore, this study is correct in controlling for gender, experience, position, grade composition and subject composition. Each of these controls is necessary to provide accurate information and avoids skewing data based upon relationship variables. Weaknesses of this study include the limited scope of the geography to only include Belgium and survey being administered only at the teacher and departmental levels. This study would be more encompassing to include other countries and prove that the departmental leadership techniques and effects are not unique to Belgium. Moreover, this study might have taken a larger approach and included a larger sample size with a ratio between teachers, departments with the additional third level of schools included. This would demonstrate the PLC variables at the teacher, department and school levels and indicate if departmental leadership is replicable. Finally, the