Freud's Psychosexual Theory

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Freud 's psychosexual theory of development. Sigmund Freud was a Viennese physician who developed his psychosexual theory of development. His theory is based on the idea that parents play a critical role in managing their children 's sexual and aggressive drives during the first few years of life in order to nurture their proper development. As his structural model suggests that id, the ego, and the superego are three interworking parts which consists in personality. According to Freud’s theory, the stages of psychosexual development must be successfully met for proper development. It is very important to give proper nurturing and parenting during each stage. Otherwise the child will stuck in or fixated on that behavior …show more content…

Mostly the children in this stage play with the same sex peers. Freud suggests that the repressed drives in this stage may be redirected into other activities like making friendships or hobbies. Genital Stage (puberty onwards) In this stage the sexual desires are once again awakened. Adolescents direct the sexual urges onto opposite sex peers. This time their primary focus of pleasure is the genitals. Freud believed that unresolved conflicts with parents re-emerged during adolescence. 4 Adolescence and Learning Assignment 1 Mariyam Sobira (5612) Common critiques of Freud 's …show more content…

And some people believe that his theory is now outdated. Even though his theories are very much related to children, he based most of the theories with troubled adults. Many criticisms comes to the fact that his work was too much focused on sexuality, especially the focus on Oedipus complex and children’s sexual desire for parents is controversial. Many of the Freud’s Critics believe that the memories and fantasies of childhood seduction were not real, but constructs that Freud created and forced upon his patients. And also the feminist supporters believe that his theory to be sexiest. His issue of girls to develop ‘penis envy’ is very much criticized. Scientifically, Freud’s theory of psychosexual development is criticized as that Freud was personally fixated upon human sexuality, so he favored defining human development with a normative theory of psychological and sexual development. It is also said that the phallic stage is proved as controversial as the clinical observations of Oedipus Complex. Furthermore it is criticized that none of his psychosexual stages of development, any