Significant Changes In America In The Twentieth Century

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America experienced a high time of economic growth and rapid social rights since 1945 and this had brought significant changes to U.S. society till the twentieth century.
After World War II, America had introduced GI Bill to ensure all returning armed forces had assistance in advance education system, providing them with on-job trainings, mortgages subsides and low interest loans which encouraged them in starting up a business or even affording new houses. In contrast with World War I fluctuations of recession in economic growth, the government did focus more on veterans by aiding them with a range of welfares which include “fifty-two weeks of unemployment benefits” (Boyer et al., 2013, p. 662). This is one major adjustment for America’s economy in further building a stronger population of middle class. In the same year, Bretton Woods agreement had also been established which allows U.S dollar to enjoy a unique and influential position in global trades. American economic dominance and international leadership had gradually revolve around many countries as well as achieving the world’s highest living standard ever in 1950s. When ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was first developed in the industry, it attracts more consumers and families as this was the earliest …show more content…

This was also during the “baby boom” period where Americans rush to get married at young age and give birth. Even though most woman no longer required to fully rely on a man for support but majority still preferred the idea of marriage and raising children. With contrast to 1940s, Boyer et al. (2013) stated “women both embraced and repudiated the domestic ideal as profound changes” (p. 670), as women not only knows how to be a good housewife and mother but they do play a significant role maintaining the career goals of a modern woman in