Similarities Between Fascism And Nazism

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During the inter-war period (1920-1939), totalitarian ideas, Fascism and Nazism developed rapidly in Italy and Germany respectively. Fascism comes from an ancient Latin word fasces, which is referred to an axe tied with rods. It represents a symbol of authority in ancient Rome and became the symbol of Fascist party which rose in power in Italy in 1922. While Nazism rose in Germany in 1933, whose name came from the Nazi party, National Socialist German Worker’s Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). They threatened world peace and became an important factor of the outbreak of the WW2. Fascism and Nazism have many things similar, however, there are also some considerable differences between them.
Concerning the background, both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany rose because people were discontented with the weak democratic governments at that time and strongly felt the Paris Peace Settlement unfair. Italians were not satisfied with the limited reward granted to them after the WW1 compared to their huge contribution (i.e. the Italian government had made huge military expenditure and the total cost of the war is 148,000 million lire, twice more than the total sum expenditure of all Italian government for 1861 to 1913) (Lee, 2000). They thought the Italian government was too weak in defending the country’s interest as it was forced by the League of Nations to agree to let Fiume become a free city, which had a majority of ethnic Italians. The League of Nations also