
Similarities Between Germany And The United States

1301 Words6 Pages

Germany and the United States are two similar nations with many differences. The two nations are quite apart from one other, to travel to each other’s locations, it takes 4,181 miles from the United States capital of Washington D.C to reach the German capital of Berlin. Germany is on the continent of Europe and the United States is on the continent of North America. However, the two nations can be alike in certain categories. For example, population, economics, and their political structure. Of course, they will not be identical but come close from one other. Some district differences from Germany and United States include the categories of environment, agriculture, and religion. In this paper, I will be comparing and contrasting these two …show more content…

It brings in good export and import trades as well as reliable resources to live off of. Germany agriculture produces milk, pork, beef, poultry, cereals, potatoes, wheat, barley, cabbages, and sugar beets. While in other regions of Germany wine, fruit, and vegetables are made. In the United States, the major crop plants are corn, soybeans and other grains like (wheat, oats, barley, sorghum), dry edible beans, peas, rice, and tobacco. It seems that Germany produces better resources than the United States, the main reason is that Germany climate consist of cool, cloudy, wet winters and summers; occasional warm mountain wind temperatures. While in the United States has 4 seasons of fall, winter, spring, and summer. The Main contrast is that in the states it can be a lot of humidity weather that can affect some regions with long water droughts. Germany uses their land for agriculture 48% while the United States only use theirs for 44.5%. The United States has way more natural disasters than Germany this can be a reason why it’s harder to grow crops. Germany only has to worry about floods. Secondly, both countries can be seen as religion followers in the United States 82.5% of Americans have some form of diverse religion identity, but 70% seems to follow Christianity. Germany on the other hand also 59.4% of their population identifies as Christians, but 33.56% of Germans identify with either Atheism of Agnosticism. Religion can be a very debatable question in many places, but for the United States and Germany Christianity is the top religion that people do attend special services for. Thirdly, the main contrast between Germany and the United states is the way they handle their environmental concerns. Germany is a firm believer that energy can be produced by clean renewable resources. For example, fresh water, wind, solar, and biomass. In the United States, it’s a complete different story they recently pulled away

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